The detailed environments - in this case harbour warehouses, crates and gun emplacements - look more solid and realistic than before. Plus, it's immediately clear that the game has developed visually. With more enemies on screen than ever before, it is fast and furious stuff. The alarm is raised as your ship approaches the docks and all hell breaks loose - sirens sound, German planes are scrambled and you come under heavy fire. In European Assault, the attack takes place under the cover of darkness, and, as we've come to expect from Medal of Honor, the action is frantic from the off. Unable to defeat the ship at sea, Allied Command decided to prevent the Germans from using the Tirpitz in battle by steering a ship loaded with explosives into the harbour, thus taking out the docks.

In real life, St Nazaire was an important target for the Allies because it was the only port big enough for the near-indestructible German battleship Tirpitz.